Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich Previews

Both GameSpy and IGN PC have published new hands-on previews for Irrational’s Freedom Force sequel, based on the newly released demo. A snip from GameSpy’s article:

Once I got control of my superheroes, I was in for a few more pleasant surprises. A lot of my biggest complaints about the original game have been cleaned up. There are now a lot more indicators giving you information, telling you where bad guys are, giving you distance markers for ranged effects, that sort of thing. The game’s no strategic slouch, either. At the higher difficulty levels, I found myself pausing the action more often and giving serious consideration to my heroes’ powers and my enemies’ vulnerabilities.

And a snip from IGN PC’s article:

In addition to the single mission, you can also try out the game’s Rumble Room. There’s only the one Berlin map available here but you can set up matches between varieties of characters. You can try your hand at leading Fortissimo, his Legionnaire flunkies and the rank and file Nazi Riflemen from the mission. You’ll also have the chance to include a number of other characters from the previous game like The Minute Man, Bullet, Mr. Mechanical and a few others. The Action, Iron Man, and Race game types are all listed in the demo but these options are grayed out so you can’t play them. There’s also an option to play Tag mode in multiplayer using the GameSpy browser, direct IP connections or LAN.

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