Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich Interview

FileFront has conducted an interview with Irrational Games’ Ken Levine, in which the president and lead designer talks a bit about Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich. Check it out:

Q: What are some of the new features that the new game will show off? Will there be a multiplayer component to the game?

A: The beauty of working on a game like Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich is that we’re able to make the sequel we want and by extension, the game that our fans want. We wanted to really focus on the issues of the first game and improve on them. Things like improving the team and enemy AI were two major goals of ours. We’ve also streamlined the interface and added many new rendering features. Add a whole new cast of heroes and villains, countless new powers and you’ve got more enhancements than you can shake Minuteman’s staff at. But we didn’t stop there. Multiplayer has been totally scrapped and redesigned, revamped and turned into a whole new beast. We’ll be getting into this more very soon.

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