Freedom Force Reviews

Irrational Games’ Freedom Force continues to receive high review scores, and the latest two aren’t going to change that. The first is at AllOutGames with an overall score of 94%:

    Freedom Force involves some of the best writing, art direction, and voice acting I have experienced in a game. It isn’t the fact that these things have been the best ever; lots of other games have managed to have better production values. But never has a game so faithfully embraced its theme. Freedom Force has embraced comics wholeheartedly, which is why it is a great game.

And the second is at with an overall score of 82/100:

    Ken Levine, general manger of Irrational Games, claimed in our preview that the RPG aspects of Freedom Force were very deep. However, this doesn’t seem to be the case when compared to something like Baldur’s Gate 2 or Deus Ex. Perhaps ‘accessible’ is a better word, since levelling up, attributes and attacks are controlled through a simple experience points equals character points model. Skills and defences have been designed in traditional comic-book style and tend to reflect the character and personality of the hero (for example the Latino hot head has fire skills) rather than being designed for truly balanced gameplay.
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