Freedom Force Review

IGN PC has posted a very positive two-page review of Freedom Force, giving the superhero RPG an overall score of 9.3/10. Here’s what they had to say in their conclusion:

    Freedom Force is, quite simply enough, a truly outstanding game. Despite miniscule setbacks in the areas of interface and artificial intelligence, it quickly becomes and then easily remains an incredibly enjoyable, fun, and involving adventure. In lovingly crafting a lighthearted, wholesome, but always comedic and laughable theme, Irrational has indulged the playful boys and girls inside all of us. Thank you, I say.

    The game’s clever design and meticulously well-thought out, considerate presentation are accentuated by innovative gameplay that professionally melds the genres of RPG and strategy into a completely interactive and lively world. You get to blow all kinds of crap up. Being thrust into outrageous predicaments with loveable and distinct characters and then fighting for right and justice with supernatural powers that cause beautiful effects is just plain cool.

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