Freedom Force Interview

GameSpy once again had the opportunity to talk with Irrational Games’ Ken Levine about the soon-to-be-released Freedom Force, this time discussing the game’s terrain and how fun it is to blow everything up. Here’s a taste:

    Q: Tell us more about the things you can destroy. What kind of objects can you rip out of the ground/pick up and use as weapons? Would it be plausible to pick up a civilian and use him or her as a weapon?

    A: We divide objects into throwable and wieldable. Throwable objects, like cars and dumpsters tend to be the heavier blunter instruments. Wieldable objects are things like street lights and traffic lights. These are great for clearing out large numbers of goons who are stupid enough to cluster together. And no, you can’t pick up and wield a civilian! It’s not that type of game!

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