Freedom Force Comic Book Interview

HomeLan Fed has conducted an interview with Irrational Games’ Eric Deiter, in which the writer discusses their upcoming Freedom Force comic series. Here’s a little something to get you started:

Q: What can you tell us about the plotline for the first Freedom Force mini-series?

A: The first arc closely follows the events of the original game with a few surprises here and there. I’ve tried to remain as faithful as possible to what has gone before while adding my own touches where possible. I have a lot of love for the characters and Irrational has a lot of faith in the creative team that we’ll do right by them.

If you’ve just returned from a mission in deep space, are running on Linux or for some other reason just didn’t get to play the first game, the comic books will get you up to speed and prepare you for both Freedom Force vs the 3rd Reich and beyond.

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