Freedom Force Character Bios

A new article on IGN PC offers a brief look at several superheroes in Irrational Games’ Freedom Force, along with new screenshots and an origin movie. Here’s a snip about “Liberty Lad”:

    “Minuteman’s Shadow” and “The Squirt” are two of the nicer nicknames that Liberty Lad seems to have been stuck with by his fellow Freedom Force members. “Ahh, they’re just foolin'” he shrugs, smiling cheerfully. Then, adding with a grin “If they keep it up for too long they know I’ll just bug them for the rest of the day on purpose. They figured that out real early on.”

    Coping with the pressures involved with having such a diverse group of co-workers would be too much for most 15 year-olds in a normal office environment, much less one where saving the world becomes a high priority every few days and you have to risk your neck on a regular basis. Liberty Lad, though, seems to cope with such pressures easily. “I’ve got these powers that most people don’t have, y’know? Just like everyone else here, I kinda have a responsibility to make sure I do the best I can with ’em, an’ I can do that best if I’m in Freedom Force!”

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