Frayed Knights: The Skull of S’makh-Daon v1.06 Patch Released

A few balance tweaks and the removal of the license key requirement are the changes you can find in the latest Frayed Knights: The Skull of S’makh-Daon patch, v1.06, which, according to developer Jay Barnson, should also pave the way to the title getting distributed through other venues.

Here’s the full changelog:

Changes in version 1.06:
* Removed license key requirements
* Increased Rogue (Dirk) Search bonus by +1, to a total of +3
* Bind wounds maximum heal amount is equal to the character’s level (instead of 2)
* Battle Dressing: Maximum heal amount is equal to the character’s level (instead of 3)
* Quick draw initiative bonus is +2 instead of +1
* Spell Dodger bonus is +2 instead of +3 (but still stacks)
* Decreased the Might requirement and cost of the Brigantine Coat to 5 and 150 silver, respectively.
* Increased armor level and decreased might requirement for Fine Brigantine Coat to 6 and 5, respectively.
* Decreased cost of laminate armor to 130 silver

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