Frayed Knights 2 Development Update

Jay “Rampant Coyote” Barnson has released another development update for Frayed Knights 2, describing the latest progress he’s made on the project despite the little time he has had to work on it. Here’s a snip:

The new user interface has really changed the feel of the game. I think it has made combat far more interesting, as I’d hoped. If nothing else, it acts as a mental break to stop it from being just (attack, attack, attack) even in the case of easy combats. Maybe when it becomes a lot more familiar, it’ll be easier to go into mental autopilot in combat, but for now it really does seem to make the combat more thoughtful.

One of the challenges I’m facing now is working out details for making the interface work on tablets and the Ouya as well as on computers. I don’t want to neuter the PC experience for the sake of tablet compatibility, but I want to avoid making life too hard on myself as I work on the non-PC-based versions. To that end, I’m working on an approach that is one part happy medium and one part flexible it won’t port straight across, but the changes to the non-PC versions shouldn’t have to be very extensive.

As to the alternative versions, here’s the plan: I intend to release versions for Windows, Mac, and Linux simultaneously (or as near to simultaneously as I can get). They will be the ‘˜launch platforms.’ I’m dead-set on making Mac and Linux equal platforms for the release: I want to migrate away from being Windows-centric, and I do not have any kind of faith that Windows will be the dominant platform for future PCs.

Release for Android tablets, Ouya, and iPad should follow not too far behind, but this will be my first time releasing on those platforms, so it may take a little extra time for each release.

Thanks, RPGWatch.

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