Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone Review

Although the review text is identical to the PS2 version, GameSpot has given Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone a slightly lower score on the Xbox. This time around, they give the game a 7.6/10 (rather than a 7.9), but retain all the same commentary – such as this conclusion:

To say that Stormfront Studios has just remade The Two Towers with D&D trappings wouldn’t be entirely inaccurate, but it wouldn’t be completely fair to Demon Stone either. Stormfront has obviously honed its craft over the past two years, and the overall experience feels richer and more robust. On its own terms, Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone is a satisfying adventure, and in the bigger picture, it stands to introduce the fantastical world of Dungeons & Dragons to a broader audience. Regardless of that, it’s a very good game that’s well worth playing.

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