Force Factor Five @ UGO

UGO has published a new feature called “Force Factor Five” that takes a look at several upcoming games from LucasArts, including Star Wars: KotOR II and Star Wars Galaxis: Jump to Lightspeed. Here’s a snip about The Sith Lords:

New powers, including fancy new Force powers, are the order of the day for KOTOR 2. We were able to check out some of the new additions, which had us yearning to return to the hilt of a light saber. Force Scream, new to the series, allows you to knockback nearby foes with an earth shattering yelp. Another power, Master Fury, is similar to a power we’ve seen in a few other Star Wars games. Basically, it’s a berserker mode with a catch: the more guys you kill, the deadlier you become. Nifty! All in all, the devs plan to include around 40 new powers in KOTOR 2, so masters of the first game will be happy to know that they haven’t seen everything, yet.

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