Flagship Studios Co-Founder Forms Gravity Bear

Shacknews is reporting that Flagship Studios co-founder Phil Shenk has started a new development studio called Gravity Bear, though there’s no mention of what type of game the company might be working on.

Best known to gamers as his Diablo 2 doppelganger Shenk the Overseer, Shenk held the position of art director on Hellgate London, and worked as a lead artist on Diablo 2 and its expansion Lord of Destruction.

Though Shenk did not detail the studio’s makeup or projects, Shacknews has learned that at least one former Flagship staffer has joined the company in a prominent role: Kevin Klemmick, former senior software engineer on Hellgate London, will serve as Gravity Bear’s technical director.

If they decide to develop another action RPG, would you buy it?

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