Five Reasons to Look Forward to Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

Raiding Party lists five reasons why you need to be excited about Kingdom of Amalur: Reckoning, Big Huge Games’ upcoming action RPG.

If that sounds a little too action heavy for you, then hold onto your pointy hat for just a sec there’s still an engine of growth and strategy humming away under the sword-swinging hood. Yes, you gain experience, yes, there are truck loads of side-quests, and yes, you get to pick a race, fiddle with the size of your ear-lobes and gradually unlock abilities suited to your play style.

The three progression trees are based around the warrior, mage and rogue archetypes nothing revolutionary but then the way in which you progress is slightly different to the class specific system of, say, Dragon Age 2. Again, you’ll have to wait until our preview for the good stuff, but suffice to say you aren’t restricted to just one development tree, giving you a liberating amount of freedom when it comes to character customisation.

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