First Relic Officially Captured

Sanya made a post on Camelot Herald congratulating several guilds on the Lancelot server for the first successful capture of a relic. Here’s what she had to say:

    Grats to Midgard (raid leader Enkiwa, relic snatcher Dunae, and guilds including Just Add Water, Inner Virtue, Dirt Nap Ninjas, Midgard Alliance, Lost Vikings, and many others) on the Lancelot server, who raided away the relics of Hibernia last night.

    Of course, with such tremendous success, a number of Midgard’s NPC guards (in the world of Lancelot, none of the others) decided to celebrate the event and are now too hungover to return to duty. Some archers have returned to their families for Yuletide festivities. And some patrolling guards, despite their temporary pride, are tired of the cold bleakness and bitter winds of Midgard. Perhaps they dream about hiring themselves out to another master, and moving – someplace warm and bright.

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