Fallout: New Vegas Preview

Somewhat out of left field, the first online preview of Fallout: New Vegas comes from USA Today, though it is more of a short writeup with no screenshots than a full preview. Still, it has some new info.

The move to Las Vegas provides “a brand new, fresh experience that has a familiar feel of Fallout, but otherwise it’s an entirely new game and a new look, with Joshua trees and tumbleweeds and blue skies,” Hines says. “Vegas is up and running. It is not a ghost town. It still exists and thrives. There are casinos, and you can go down onto the Strip. It will have a very different feel from that standpoint.”

Events in the game happen a few years after Fallout 3. No characters from that game appear, Hines says, “but you will eventually hear a little bit about the events” of that game. New Vegas is “a self-contained story. You don’t have to have played the previous games to have any clue what’s going on here.”

Thanks No Mutants Allowed.

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