Fallout: New Vegas Expected to Outsell Fallout 3

MCV has word from Bethesda’s Pete Hines that they “expect” Fallout: New Vegas to outsell Fallout 3 based on current retail numbers and the extra hype it seems to be generating.

(Based on what we’re seeing so far from the response at retail and from gamers, we expect New Vegas to do even better than Fallout 3,) said Bethesda’s global VP of PR and marketing Pete Hines.

(We’ll have to wait and see just how much better. We’ve built on the strengths of Fallout 3, what we know worked and added a whole new host of features and touches that further improve the experience.

(Take all of that to a new setting like Las Vegas, which is a great fit for the Fallout brand, and it gives us every reason to believe this can be a huge success for us.)

I certainly hope so. If Obsidian’s version does better than Bethesda’s, then perhaps that will encourage better dialogue and a stronger emphasis on the events of Fallout 1 and 2 in future titles.

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