Fallout 76: Wastelanders Release Update and New Events

The upcoming Wastelanders expansion for Fallout 76 was set to go live on April 7, 2020, but due to some recently implemented remote work initiatives, that date had to be pushed back to April 14th. In the meantime, you might be interested in checking out this development update that describes a couple of new events the expansion will be introducing. Have a look:


Wastelanders will bring two frenzied new events to Fallout 76 in Riding Shotgun and Radiation Rumble. Read on to learn a little more about each and to make sure you’re prepared to take them both on come patch day.


If you consider yourself a hired gun, head to Big Bend Tunnel East to take on a gig ensuring safe passage for a group of merchants on a treacherous trip through the mountains. Blue Ridge Caravan Co. initially had a lot of trouble getting their pack-Brahmin up the steep cliffs of the Savage Divide. Since then, they’ve worked out that Big Bend Tunnel offers an easy route from Cranberry Bog into the Ash Heap. Or, it would, if it wasn’t swarming with Blood Eagles. With their path blocked and their Brahmin growing restless, the merchants are reaching out to anyone who might be able to fend off any scoundrels waiting to ambush the caravan.

During your journey, you’ll need to defend the caravan’s two Brahmin, who are loaded down with goods. If one or both of them make it through, you and your event mates will be rewarded with some loot, XP, and Caps. If both of them die, well, that would be bad for business. Aside from protecting the Brahmin, you will also be tasked with locating supplies the Caravan has lost during their previous attempts to travel through. Coordinate with your event mates to defend the Caravan and find their missing belongings, and you’ll receive better rewards. The Blood Eagles have learned every nook and cranny of the Tunnel, so keep your head on a swivel and avoid getting surrounded. While it’s possible that a hearty adventurer can complete this event alone, we recommend bringing a teammate or two to help clear out the riff-raff along the way.

A few weeks ago, we shared a look at Riding Shotgun during our Wastelanders Preview Panel at Bethesda Game Days. If you haven’t already given that a watch, you can check it out here to see some of the event in action.


Emmett Mountain Disposal Site harbors plenty of precious ore that’s ripe for the taking by anyone willing to brave its highly-radioactive depths to do some mining. That’s just what a group of scavengers had planned to do when they found themselves suddenly cornered by deadly glowing creatures. Still, the scavengers are dead-set on snatching up as much ore as they can. They’ve brought a few turrets along for defense, but they’ll need your firepower to make it out alive. Radiation levels in the Disposal Site can be intense, so don’t forget to step into a Hazmat Suit. Luckily, if you forget to bring your own, the scavengers will kindly provide one for you.

This is a fast-paced and dangerous Public Event that will require you to be in two places at once. To be successful, you’ll need to balance defending the scavengers from an onslaught of treacherous enemies while also finding opportunities to venture out and gather irradiated ore. The more ore you collect, the more handsomely you will be rewarded with gear, supplies, reputation, XP, Caps, or even legendary items. Keep in mind, though, that the scavengers can’t pay you for your efforts if they all get taken out.

This Event is geared toward Dwellers who are level 50+, and you may need to coordinate with your event mates to get the job done. We recommend bringing teammates so that you can maximize your rewards.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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