Fallout 76 in 2019

Fallout 76 is an online action role playing game in the Fallout series developed by Bethesda Game Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks, Released for Windows, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on November 14, 2018, it is a prequal to previous series games. Fallout 76 is Bethesda Game Studios’ first multiplayer game and one that did not launch as smooth as we hoped it would.

I myself have played the game from release and have written this article on it bashing the game for making false promises and being full of bugs and glitches that were surprising even for a Bethesda game, So for those of you who have not played Fallout 76 on launch can picture in your mind how devastating the game was. Just go and take a look at the previous article I wrote about the game and you’ll understand.

Now leaving the past bickering and complaining behind I am happy to announce that thanks to Bethesda’s constant tweaking and patching of the game, playing it now is actually fun. Now when I say playing it is actually fun I’m saying it from a lot of experience since that’s all I’ve been playing for the past few weeks many hours a day. I actually never thought I’d be addicted to it the way I am now, but that’s mainly thanks to the game being stable and me not facing any bugs or glitches so far even after hours, days and weeks of constant play.

Not only is the game a lot more polished and stable but the announcement of future patches that are said to add NPC’s and a Battle Royal mode have made the game something to look forward too. The Battle Royal of Fallout 76 also named Nuclear Winter was in a sneak peek beta phase from June 10th to June 17th in which time players could try this take on Fallout’s Battle Royal and surprisingly the reception was very positive and something I’m personally looking forward to because running it with friends is insanely fun.

After everything that’s happened with this game the main point to take from this is that Fallout 76 is getting better and will continue to improve by the way things look as regular patches and fixes are getting added to the game almost every week. I’m not a fan of how games nowadays are half baked and broken which needs gradual fixing in future updates and patches but unless we have a time machine things cant go back to the way they were and well we just have to have interact with the developers and help them fix games like these.

If you’re thinking about picking up Fallout 76 in 2019 you won’t be making a mistake since the game has actually plenty to do and since lots of players are coming back and getting into the game you’ll run into players every time you play that’s for sure and that makes the world feel more alive. Fallout 76 is on sale almost everywhere so you might want to think about getting into it and giving it a try, I’m liking my time with it in 2019, maybe you will too.

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Maruf Hasan
Maruf Hasan

Maruf Hasan, mixed Middle Eastern, grew up in Florida, but still doesn’t like the sun. Currently living in Malaysia perusing a degree in Animation. He’s been a fan of video games since he started with Pokémon Red and pays a lot of attention to the music and art style because that’s what he loves most about them. Totally a story-oriented gamer and totally a Nintendo fan boy, The Legend of Zelda is his favorite series and will be until the sun burns out.

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