Fallout 4 Reviews

Bethesda’s latest entry in the Fallout series continues to consume everyone’s time while also eating up the lion’s share of the Internet’s attention, as indicated by another healthy helping of relatively favorable reviews.

Giant Bomb gives it a 4/5:

But the glitchy technical issues appear across the board in every version of the game. In that, Fallout 4 is universal. As such, a big part of deciding if you want to play Fallout 4 becomes a personal inventory of your desire to either revel in these glitches or your patience at dealing with them, should they appear. As someone who has really appreciated this line of games in both its Fallout and Elder Scrolls flavors, Fallout 4 was still harder to swallow than I initially suspected it would be. It’s another one of those games, for better and for worse.

RGJ gives it a 4.5/5:

A solid story, large open world, tight combat and plethora of content and things to do make Fallout 4 yet another stellar outing in the popular series. The sheer amount of content admittedly can be overwhelming and occasional glitches are unfortunate. Overall, however, a well realized setting and excellent variety in gameplay makes Fallout 4 one of the standout games of 2015.

Digitally Downloaded gives it a 4/5:

Fallout 4 still has its issues, especially around glitches. Bethesda will probably never learn there (and, given sales and hype behind the game, Bethesda knows it doesn’t actually need to learn). However, the game itself works by building a closer connection between player and narrative, and a settlement system that gives players a genuine excuse simply to live within a world.

PCGamesN gives it an 8/10:

But while the overfamiliar flavour may mean Fallout 4 doesn’t quite stand tall, it does mean you can guarantee what you’re getting and that’s a damn fine game. Its combat is the best Bethesda have ever produced: involving, kinetic, and exciting. The collection of weapons at your disposal are destructive and inventive, and strapping on power armour makes you feel like an absolute killing machine. Plenty of the missions are rote, but the narrative is the best Fallout has seen, and the factions you interact with seem more complex and multi-layered than ever. There’s enough choice to make at least two playthroughs worth it, meaning this is a game with over 100 guaranteed hours of compelling play in it. With a menu like that, chances are you won’t care about the blemishes and deja-vu. You’ve been happily drinking classic Nuka-Cola for years, so why would you want a changed recipe now?

The Guardian gives it a 3/5:

Fallout 4, then, is a paradox, delivering in many of the areas that matter most but undermined throughout by poor combat, technical problems, and what feels like a lack of focus. So here we go again. It’s not war, but Bethesda that never changes.

Stuff goes for a perfect 5/5:

A lot more effort has been expended on its main plot thread. Intricate set-pieces are commonplace from the get go, whether that’s rushing into Vault 111 to avoid the nuclear bloodbath or walking through a harrowing visualisation of someone’s memories. It’s all handled with a deft touch ensuring Fallout 4 ranks as Bethesda’s most successful storytelling endeavour yet.

The Oakland Press gives it a 3.5/4:

(Fallout 4) will be compared to its predecessors in terms of visuals and gameplay, but there’s just enough changes that make Bethesda’s newest wasteland trip one of the must-owns for the holiday season.

And Independent Online doesn’t score it:

So has it met the hype? From what I’ve seen, the answer is yes. The game’s sprawling world provides everyone a little something to like. You could really throw yourself into any of its avenues, or dabble in them all until you find what you like. And you can lose hours in pure, happy play fiddling with decorations, chasing down criminals or just roaming the Wasteland in search of bleak and brutal combat. Such is the beauty of a sandbox.

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