Fallout 3 PC Patch to be Released Today

According to Eurogamer’s live interview with Bethesda’s Pete Hines, a patch for the PC version of Fallout 3 will be released later today.

dl77 asks: Will there be a patch to add southpaw controls for the left-handed people out there? And what about a fix for the various PC niggles?

Pete Hines: Well on the 360 the console itself actually handles that. You change it in your control options, so we don’t bother doing it in the game. I’ll have to check on how PS3 works.

As far as fixes, there’s a PC update coming out later today that will address a few PC-specific things that have come up. Can’t give you any details yet beyond that as far as what else might be in the works for any of the three platforms.

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