Fallout 3 Mods

Fallout 3 modding is moving a little slow while we await the game’s official toolkit, though there are already a few mods dealing with textures and tweaks. NMA offers the following round-up:

Max Tael’s MTUI is another interface overhaul mod designed for ease-of-use on higher-resolution PCs.
Mikael Grizzly’s Fo3 Original Combat Armour is a texture mod that changes the look of combat armor.
Mimezu’s texture pack + addons is a package of improved and sharpened textures for great optical pleasure.
Hmudaa’s T-51B as default BoS power armor switches the armor models so the standard BoS model is the T-51b.
lexo1000’s An Ultimate Fallout 3 Music Mod is an easy-to-implement huge file that puts all the old Fallout 1/2 tracks over the Fallout 3 ones.

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