Fable: TLC – Hero Huntsmen’s Monthly

The guys at 1Up have published a new feature for Fable: The Lost Chapters entitled “Hero Huntsmen’s Monthly”, in which they offer a hunter’s perspective at some of the game’s new monsters. Here’s a taste:

Ice Trolls represent the ultimate sporting challenge for the no-nonsense hunter. They’re big… really big, and are one of the more ornery customers you’ll come across. If you’ve any skill with a bow whatsoever, I’d advise keeping your distance and using Slow Time to ensure that their homing ice-spikes have little chance of finding your position while peppering their hides with Multi-Arrows where possible. Watch out for their fists and ice-shocks, mind. Many a good hunter has been lost to these fellows. As a last note, if you have a really big fireplace, it might seem that a nice fat Ice Troll head would be a nice addition to the wall over it. Unfortunately, Ice Trolls are made entirely of frozen water (hence the name) and can flood your cabin in a pretty short order. One for the freezer.

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