Fable: The Path of the Righteous

IGN Xbox will be spitting out ten days worth of features for the soon-to-be-released RPG Fable, and the first article focuses on being a “good” character in the game. An excerpt:

Your actions are only part of what makes you good or evil. The clothes do in fact make the man. Yes, clothing can affect your attractiveness, scariness, and even your alignment. While the evil clothing is dark and looks cool in that “boy, remember when goth was the in thing” kind of way, it’s the “bright” clothing of the good that tends to be more attractive. The evil can wear bright clothing, yes, but it takes away some of their evil alignment points and well, it just looks wrong. There are neutral clothes as well, but if you are gonna be good, you should dress the part.

Along with clothing, tattoos and even hairstyles make a difference. Hair, beards, and mustaches affect your attractiveness and scariness, but not your alignment. So if you have on Bright Plate Mail with a very attractive haircut, you can easily be the most handsome man in all of Albion. Tattoos can alter your alignment, however. If you wear a giant tattoo of Skorm on your back, it’s really not gonna make you look like a good guy, now is it? There are a number of different tattoos that relate to good and evil, but also tats that can signify that you’re a gambler or other such trade. Every tattoo has a bit of story attached to it, adding to the richness of Fable’s world.

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