Fable: The Lost Chapters Review

Eurogamer has written up a review of Fable: The Lost Chapters, giving the RPG an overall score of 8/10. Here’s why:

For all its beauty, the areas you explore do seem rather small and hemmed in – especially when we’re so used to expansive, open-ended RPG worlds. As mentioned, the folk of Fable react to you in all kinds of amusingly different ways, and that is hugely entertaining throughout, but that can leave the backbone of the game seeming a little forced and false. “Go and collect a quest card from the map table,” says the Guildmaster, never letting you forget that it’s just a game. It’s almost too easy to be evil, because you just don’t care about the cartoon quest you’re being sent on. Like any normal person dumped into a Disneyland with no responsibilities, you’re bound to run riot. But maybe that’s a good thing.

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