Fable: The Lost Chapters Preview

GameSpy has published a two-page preview of Fable: The Lost Chapters, based upon their time with a recent build of the expanded RPG. An excerpt to follow:

One of the interesting things about Fable is its atmosphere. Instead of going with the dark, quasi-medieval, D&D-inspired look of many fantasy-RPG’s, Fable adopts more of a cheerful, fairy-tale look. Forests are alive with colorful fall foliage, swaying wildflowers, and sunbeams filtering down through the treetops. Buildings and characters look a bit squat and cartoony. Even the gloomier areas you explore have a certain whimsical charm. Humor pervades the game and balances the dark events of the core story: flatulence, “magic” mushrooms, and running around in your underwear from time to time all help keep the mood light. A lush orchestral score should add to the ambience, and the game even sports an intro theme composed by none other than Danny Elfman, who’s scored Beetlejuice, Batman, Spider-Man, and countless other hit movies and TV shows.

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