Fable: The Lost Chapters Preview

Gamer’s Hell has put together a preview of Fable: The Lost Chapters, based upon their experience with the game’s recent press build. An excerpt to follow:

The overall presentation is nicely polished, so you can expect to get a great deal out of both the audio and visual categories. The environment is teeming with lush forests, rushing rivers, and crystal clear skies. Details such as individual leaves on branches, or subtle variations in lighting might appear all but insignificant, but each seemingly mundane detail works together and often leads to some exhilarating results. Always try to remember that extreme nuance is rarely noticed but always subconsciously appreciated, whereas lack of depth and detail jumps out immediately. To accompany the visually beautiful game world, the aural atmospherics of its surroundings can always be heard. Birds are constantly chirping, bees are busy buzzing, and the gentle serenade of running rivers is endlessly soothing. By contrast, during the heat of battle, weapons viciously clash together, arrows whiz by inches from your head, and the moans from the wounded also create a memorable experience. The game’s thoroughly comprehensive performance is consistently delivered through many high quality features.

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