Fable: The Lost Chapters Preview & Trailer

WorthPlaying is offering up both a hands-on preview and new trailer for Lionhead Studios’ Fable: The Lost Chapters. Here’s a snip from the preview:

Before we get into the new features, I’d like to recognize that some of you folk are PC-only players and never got around to the Xbox original. It’s probably important to note that Fable is firmly not a PC-styled RPG. The attacking scheme is very console, using the spacebar to hold a “lock” on an enemy and the mouse buttons to swing an attack, block or fire off magic or archery. Attacking is fairly hard to coordinate at first. You’ll find yourself swinging at the target behind the guy you actually meant to hit, or firing off a wave of lightning bolts that roast three bad guys, two good guys and a relatively innocent tree. Archery fares a little better on the PC; First-person aiming of your bow is still a little awkward but improved over using analog sticks for such things. Over time, you get a little more used to changing targets on the fly and adjusting your aim, so with enough practice, you can start to do things like fighting around certain NPCs without laying hands or weapons on their person.

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