Fable: The Lost Chapters Interview

GameSpot has conducted an interview with Lionhead Studios’ Dene Carter, in which the creative director answers several questions about the soon-to-be-released Fable: The Lost Chapters. A little something to start you off:

Q: Are there any new characters to speak of? Are there any new potential wives to woo? Will existing Fable characters have any new content?

A: New folks in the core story include Scythe, a mysterious undead hero; the prophets, men doomed to an eternity of pointless existence; and the Oracle, a big, stony, brainy, um, head. There are loads of others, too: Madame Minzche, who runs “entertainment” houses, and her manager, Grope (whose job I can’t report here); the Witch of Bowerstone; and the Knothole Glade chief’s rival sons. In addition, all of the other heroes have substantially beefed-up storylines, too. You’ll find out what happens to Thunder after your victory (his attitude will be very different toward you, depending on your previous history with him); Briar Rose has a major role, supported by encounters peppered throughout the game; and… I could go on for a couple of pages.

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