Fable Reviews

Two more reviews for Fable have popped up on the ‘net, although they’re not entirely positive. The first is at The Junkyard with an overall score of 6.0/10:

After reading through that, I realize I come off as though I hate Fable. I don’t. It’s not even a bad game, but it could’ve been so much more. I wasn’t let down by hype because I never became interested in or payed attention to it until I decided to rent it at the local Blockbuster, but I can see the potential lost. How I feel after beating Fable is analogous to how I think some people felt after beating Starsiege.

And the second is at GamersInfo:

Overall, if they had found a way to make Fable about twice as long it would have been a masterpiece. As it is now, Fable is just a good short story for the weeks when you have too much going on to play an epic RPG.

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