Fable Reviews

A pair of positive reviews for Big Blue Box and Lionhead’s Fable have hit the web over the past couple of days. The first is at ReviewGamer with an overall score of 9/10:

Overall an awesome game, I don’t give a damn if it has a few flaws, these are minor compared to all the work that must have gone into producing a truly unique experience.

And the second is at Into Liquid Sky with an overall score of “B”:

So is Fable a good or bad game? Good, easily. There’s a lot here to enjoy, although you need to go into the game with a head clear of the marketing PR. Fable is one of those games that can be many things to many people, and because of this, many people may just want to rent it to see if it’s what they want. For some, the rental will be enough to finish the game, or even give up halfway through. For others, it should sell them on the adventure.

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