Fable Reviews

Chalk up two more reviews for Fable, both of which offer favorable scores for the Xbox RPG. The first is over at TenTonHammer with an overall score of 4/5:

When all is said and done, Fable is more of a action/world simulation game than a RPG. Long after the main line of quests is finished you could find yourself playing on and on just to see “What would happen if?” You can get out of Fable exactly what you want, and there is something in there for everyone. If you own an XBox and you enjoy RPGs this title should be part of your library.

And the second is at ToTheGame with an overall score of 8/10:

Every choice has a consequence and in Fable you are freely able to do anything you desire. In that aspect, it’s one of the few games that allow you to kill, steal, and plunder at will, but with an effect. Aligning between good and evil and following your decisions throughout the game produces some memorable moments but things could have been better. As it stands, there was only one ultimately passionate part I can pick out throughout the entirety of the game where I actually took a few moments to decide my choice. I was hoping that Fable would include moments like this countless times but I was wrong.

So what does all this mean? Well for starters, I believe we (the media) over-hyped the game again and again. That doesn’t mean Fable is a bad game by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, the quests can be a lot of fun and there are a bunch of side paths you can take that’ll make this game around 15-hours long. The combat, though a bit uninspiring, makes up for things as you begin to level up each of your spells. Little things like stealing some food when no one is looking or dressing yourself up in a dress just to hear some of the villagers comments make Fable worth playing at least once. Those who want to get the imagery of both good and bad will most likely play the game a second time.

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