Fable Reviews

Two more positive reviews for Big Blue Box’s Fable hit the web over the past couple of days. The first is over at XGP Gaming with an overall score of 9.8/10:

I’d have to say that Fable is, by far, the best RPG I’ve played since Final Fantasy 7 (FF7). I would even go so far as to say that it’s better than good ol’ classic FF7, partly because Aries doesn’t die, but mostly because Fable will probably set the standard for all future RPG’s. Whether you’re into RPG’s or the action genre, or if you love being overly bad or good, or if you just want to play a really cool game, Fable is the game for you. Even if you don’t fit one of the categories I just stated, it’s still the game for you. Just about the only two minor things I can say would’ve made Fable better is the difficulty and the ability to go off the beaten path. The fights could be a bit more difficult, and the paths make you feel a little confined after a while. They’re not too confined, like in a linear RPG, just a bit claustrophobic every now and then.

And the second is at Yahoo Games DomainM with an overall score of 8/10:

Although Fable follows the usual RPG convention of a linear plot with plenty of optional side quests along the way, it’s rare to see one handled quite so well. Although you are being led by the hand through Fable’s world, it doesn’t feel like it. Revisiting of old areas is kept to a bare minimum, and there’s always something else to do in the unlikely event that you get stuck or bored. This makes Fable the kind of game that swallows hours.

If only it would swallow a few more of them. Playing through with a moderate sense of purpose, doing some side-quests, acquiring a bride or two, and seeing a decent amount of the world along the way, you can expect to see the game clock reading well under 10 hours after the final battle. There’s a decent incentive to play it again, taking the opposite alignment, but if you’re the type that doesn’t like to replay games, Fable offers poorer value.

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