Fable Reviews Galore

A whole wave of new reviews for Big Blue Box’s Fable have hit the web, all of which are on the positive side. Let’s start out with the first one, which is at Warcry with an overall score of 8/10:

Fable, to me, seems like The Sims: Fantasy with a plot to follow. If you enjoyed The Sims, then I think you’ll enjoy this. If you’re looking for a quick RPG fix, then you’ll enjoy it. If you’re looking for another Baldur’s Gate or Final Fantasy VII, you will be sadly disappointed. This game is really what you make of it.

The second is at Entertainment Gaming Live with an overall score of 9.5/10:

Yes, it’s not all it was hyped up to be, yes a lot of it was axed in the last few months of development, and yes, Molyneux did over hype it a bit. However, the result of those 4 years of work is one incredible game that deserves to be in any Xbox owner’s collection.

The third is at PopCultureShock with an overall score of “A-“:

With the focus of Fable being on complete freedom and the cohesiveness of the simulation, the storyline isn’t what hardcore RPG fans would expect from an epic. The way you can advance the storyline at your own pace is correct, but the moments that develop the plot aren’t as in depth or detailed as they could be. This is due mostly to the fact that since the game is so open ended; there is a risk of ruining the immersion of the player experiencing Fable the way they want to. To this end, it’s forgivable. Truth be told, Fable would have been in development much longer had this concession not been made. As it is, Fable is a very enjoyable title. You’ll enjoy spending endless hours just doing what YOU want and living the way YOU want. Having variety in your RPG collection is always a good thing, and Fable has enough cross over appeal to appease non RPG gamers. This is definitely worthy of being added to your library. With Fable out of the way, we’re very curious as to what we should expect from that Big Blue Box next time.

The fourth is at CV-Games with an overall score of “A”:

I have spent countless hours in Fable and despite a few frame rate issues and getting a game that has some unfinished elements in it, the game still ranks high in my opinion. Fable is a title that is meant to be played uniquely by all players. For some, the linear nature and short main quest will cause some to hate the title. However, give the game a chance, try to experience all of the optional areas of the game. If you do that, you will experience a twenty plus hour game that shows a glimpse of what Fable 2 may bring us if the rumors of its development are true.

And the fifth is at Console Gameworld with an overall score of 94%:

For action adventure fans, Fable is on par with the best that console games have to offer in this generation. Just remember that the experience should not be rushed, nor should you play through just as good or evil. Fable is all about you the gamer. And just between you and me, that’s not a bad thing at all. Game on.

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