Fable Preview

Eurogamer brings us the latest hands-on preview of Fable, the soon-to-be-released Xbox RPG from Big Blue Box. Here’s a snip to get you started:

All in all, our impressions of the first village were very positive. The graphics were pretty, the Danny Elfman music was excellent, and the characters were instantly likeable. Far more encouraging, however, were the simple examples of consequence we saw – if every action we take in the full game earns responses like those of the ‘bobby’ guards then Fable’s morality system will certainly have enough to separate it from that of KOTOR and other such games.

However, the time we spent with later areas of the game did place the experience in a slightly different light. Most of our concerns here lay with how NPCs react to your character – one of Fable’s most interesting features. For example, in one of the saves we loaded up, our character (now an adult) was in a small, populated area, so we decided to see how much havoc we could wreak by killing people. For a start, it didn’t seem possible to even hit most of the NPCs in the area, so Morrowind-style slaughtering of whole village might not be a possibilty in Fable. (Not that we ever did that anyway, honest.) What we did manage to do was convince a villager to follow us around – which is presumably only possible if you have sufficient hero status – and started hitting him instead. After the first hit, he muttered his disapproval, but once we continued he eventually started attacking us and we killed him. Straight away a stream of guards came our way, ordering us to pay a fine or face the consequences.

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