Fable III for PC Delayed

After getting our hopes up with the Fable III PC announcement back on May 21st, Microsoft and Lionhead Studios have apparently decided to keep the game from our platform of choice for an undisclosed period of time. IGN reports:

Microsoft has confirmed to IGN the PC version of Fable III will not be coming out on October 26, the same date currently set for the Xbox 360 version.

The company would not say how long PC players will have to wait to get their hands on the game, however, though expect to hear something about a release date soon.

“The console and PC versions are now on different schedules as we’re focusing on building experiences optimized for each platform,” the company said in a statement.

“We aren’t announcing a ship date for the PC sku at this time, but expect news soon.”

As early back as this June, Lionhead Studios’ Peter Molyneux stated both titles would release simultaneously, so it appears this decision came down recently.

Annoying? Yes. Surprising? No.

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