Fable: Feat of Strength

IGN Xbox continues their Fable coverage with a new article entitled “Feat of Strength” that details the RPG’s melee combat and offers more screenshots & three new movies. A snip:

On its surface, melee combat in Fable is very simple. Once your weapon is unsheathed (I’m talking about your sword here, son) you’ll auto-target the nearest enemy you’re facing. The enemy is highlighted red and then it’s time to tap X for an attack. Timing and rhythm do matter, so just think back to when you were a little kid beating up hobos with a stick. It’s pretty much like that. That’s the simple part, from there some strategy begins to evolve.

As you hit your enemy, you begin to fill your combat multiplier meter. This meter is very important both during and after the fight. As your multiplier grows, you’ll earn flourish moves, noted by a distinct “ding.” This sets your weapon ablaze. Hit B to unleash a powerful — and often unblockable — move. As your multiplier continues to climb, you will earn multiple flourishes, each one more devastating than the next. Should you happen to stun your opponent (we’ll let you figure how to manage that on your own) you can use a flourish to lop their head off. Now a lopped head hangs in the air a moment, so if you have Pelé-like reactions, you can boot it a good 20 yards. GOOOOOOOOOOAL!!

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