E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy Interview

The editors at Gaming Irresponsibly have put online a brief interview with the project director and lead designer on E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy, Jonathan Cacherat, touching on subjects such as the title’s reception, what kind of feedback are they going to implement in patches, the inspirations behind the art and more. Here’s a sampling:

2) What kind of feedback have you gotten on the game? Will there be improvements made through updates?

We had a lot of positive feedbacks concerning the gameplay, and a lot of negative feedbacks concerning the dialogues.
The first patch fixed an important amount of bugs and we also modified the game’s balance, thanks to very constructive feedbacks from the community.
We hope we’ll be able to add more powers, new maps, and a team-based PvP mode in the future.
We’re also discussing the probability of remaking the dialogues.

3) For a small indie release, you’ve created a game with an amazing amount of depth. Was that depth planned, or did most of it happen naturally?

We had this ambition from the beginning, while knowing that it would be very hard. But we have absolutely no regrets.

4) The FPS and the RPG are genres that run at very different speeds. Now that you’ve combined the two, do you feel as if you’ve achieved a good balance point?

In retrospect, we think that the RPG aspect of the game could have been more fleshed-out and better, again concerning the dialogues.

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