Exploits in Dark Age of Camelot

Mark Jacobs paid a visit to the Camelot Herald to talk about things to come and to address a bug that was exploited by a certain few after yesterday’s patch. For those of you wondering what will happen to the perpetrators, here’s the gist of it:

    We introduced a bug that allowed people to exploit part of Darkness Falls. This exploit involved the ability to buy things from a merchant that normally could only be gained as treasure. It did not involve a money dupe in any which way, shape or form. It was also very limited in scope, with the main concentration of exploiters occurring on two servers and only in Hibernia. We did fix the bug as soon as it came to our attention but there were a number of people who did take advantage of it. As always, Mythic will not allow players to take advantage of bugs, exploits, etc., especially when doing so can negatively affect other players. In doing so we are taking a number of steps including a limited reset (one day) of those characters that exploited the bug as well as limited suspensions for the worst of the offenders.
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