Expeditions: Conquistador Reviews

There aren’t exactly a lot of reviews floating around at the moment for Expeditions: Conquistador, but we tried our best to at least list the ones that have been released so far, so that you might get some impressions of how the game plays and whether it’s worth your hard-earned cash or not.

Invision Community, 5/5.

Expeditions: Conquistador is a fantastic little strategy game which incorporates the best elements of the strategy and role-playing games of old while adding new elements to construct what is a highly tactical, well thought out and exciting game to play. Every element of the game and the survival of the player’s crew is placed in the hands of the player to control; from exploration to camping to fighting. Straight from the off you are put in charge of your destiny as you select your crew members from a details and varied selection which will genuinely influence the way the game unfolds. While you follow a set storyline to an extent, you have the power to influence the direction of this story and very much make it your own. While high-end, modern graphics may have been sacrificed in this instance, this decision does not affect how enjoyable the game is to play, and can indeed be seen as a worthy sacrifice. All in all this is a game well worth picking up for fans of detailed strategy adventures and will certainly provide a great level of enjoyment and thought-provoking situations which will impress and entice strategy game fans in general.

Softpedia, 8/10.

Expeditions: Conquistador is a very good indie effort, a game that has interesting choices for the player, solid tactical battles and manages to nail the theme, although a little more polish could have worked wonders.

Armless Octopus, 4/5.

Overall, I was surprised at how much fun I had playing Expeditions: Conquistador. Underneath the complex systems is an easy game to play, requiring just the one hand on the mouse to do everything. Discovering how the different systems affect each other was also intriguing given how new I am to the genre. The game is rather pleasant to look at, too. Though it doesn’t feature exceptional graphics, the land is colorful and varied and easy on the eyes for extended play sessions. Sound effects are appreciably visceral, and the soundtrack for battles in particular is invigorating without going overboard. The shortcomings in execution come through as bugs, such as infinite death loops that prevent input, and one bug that was almost game-breaking and required a quit to the main menu to shimmy out. I saved often, but the game could afford more checkpoint saves, such as right before battle. Thankfully, bugs didn’t happen often or consistently, and the game loads quickly.

PlayNation, scoreless.

All in all, I found the game an enjoyable play. As I marched my men back and forth over virgin territory to the sweet sounds of a Spanish guitar and the cries of my vanquished foes, there were very few things I thought lacking or needing more attention. So if you like your tactical roleplaying games with a dash of choose-your-own-adventure added to the mix, you could do worse than throw your doubloons at Expeditions: Conquistador.

Finally, our Danish readers might want to read IGN Denmark’s review, which awards it an 8/10. Credit goes to RPGWatch for spotting it.

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