Expeditions: Conquistador Kickstarter Project Update #8, $50,000 and Counting

The crew at Logic Artists informs us they’ve added the title to Steam Greenlight’s ever-increasing database (you can find it here, in case you’re interested in upvoting it), the fact that they’ve reached $50,000 and a couple of other things in their latest Kickstarter update for Expeditions: Conquistador, a turn-based tactical strategy/RPG title set in South America and centered around a Spanish expedition. Here’s an excerpt from it:

Since Greenlight launched on Steam yesterday, we’ve added Expeditions: Conquistador to their database. Now we’ll see if demand for our game is big enough that we can get a deal with Steam once the game is completed. Please do swing by there and rate us positively if you’re interested in seeing our game on Steam 🙂

In the mean time we’ve been working on the game as always, implementing the last two Spanish character classes, reworking the world map mechanics as well as changing the terrain so it plays a bit better, and editing some of the text. We did a count on the dialog file the other day to see how much text we have in the game, and realised we have 53000 words of text already, and that’s just for Hispaniola. We won’t be editing it down too much, but the realisation did prompt us to go over what we’ve written and cut down on some of the longer monologues.

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