Expeditions: Conquistador Kickstarter Project Update #6, $39,000 and Counting

With 17 days to go and more than 50% of the required funding already obtained, it does look like Expeditions: Conquistador’s chances of succeeding at raising funds through Kickstarter are pretty good, and with the latest update to the project the developers are offering some new reasons for people to pledge, including beta access and mod tools (provided the $100,000 stretch goal is met).

Here’s an excerpt:

Beta access and mod tools

The last two things I’d like to mention today are our plans for beta access and mod tools. I’d like to make it clear that the beta access mentioned on the $30 reward tier will begin as soon as our Kickstarter successfully concludes. At this point we’ll send out a download link for our latest build to everybody who pledged $30 or more, so you can immediately try the game for yourselves. We’ll then keep updating you regularly at our major milestones so you can keep an eye on how the game is progressing and give us valuable feedback on the backer forum.

Secondly, we’ve been talking about putting out mod tools. Since we’re making the game with Unity, our options for giving you access to our source files are somewhat restricted, but if we reach the $100,000 stretch goal, we can guarantee that we’ll release our editing tools and implement a way for you to add to our original XML files or even replace it with your own, essentially allowing you to put your own content into our game world. Even if we don’t reach the stretch goal, we’ll do our best to make this happen, but it’s going to take some time to set up, not to mention polishing our currently somewhat unstable editing tools, and we can’t guarantee that we’ll have the resources to do it without Kickstarter.

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