Expeditions: Conquistador Kickstarter Project Update #11, $70,000 and Counting

With their Kickstarter effectively successful and 60 hours more to go, the folks at Logic Artists are focusing on Expeditions: Conquistador’s stretch goals for its latest update.

$30,000 would be needed to get active ability trees:

Though time is short, we must now turn our attention to the stretch goals. There have been a lot of suggestions in our discussion page about what to do with the stretch goals, and the general consensus seems to be that we’d set our first stretch goal too high.

In response, we’ve now divided our stretch goals into four. The highest stretch goal (extra campaign) remains the same, and we realise at this point we’re unlikely to achieve it, but the other stretch goals now look like this:

Stretch goal 1 – $80,000
Choose passive abilities for your followers every time you level up!

Stretch goal 2 – $90,000
Greater visual variation in the character models

Stretch goal 3 – $100,000
Character ability trees (6-9 active combat abilities per character class)

Of course any excess pledges that fall short of a stretch goal will be put to use on polish and quality assurance. Those of you who believe the game won’t be fun without more character customisation, set your eyes on that first stretch goal!

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