Expeditions: Conquistador Kickstarter Project Update #10, $69,000 and Counting

Only three days are left for Expeditions: Conquistador to be funded through Kickstarter, but judging by the fact that it’s currently at $69,536, versus the $70,000 needed to be funded, what really is up in the air is whether the project will manage to hit at least a few stretch goals or not.

Either way, here’s the latest update to the project, where the historical premise of the game and a few other things get discussed:

We just wanted to let you know that we love all the discussion about the premise of our game that’s been going on in the comment threads across the Internet. It’s amazingly rewarding to read everyone’s opinions of the time period and the setting that we’re using, and see how nuanced and varied everybody’s opinions are on the ethical and historical qualities of what we’re doing. We will do our very best to ensure that the game itself reflects all those issues: that it accurately reflects the real motivations and actions of the Conquistadores and the Mesoamerican peoples, but at the same time leaves you with as much choice as possible in how to act and behave. We don’t want to misrepresent history, but we also want to make a good, engaging, and enjoyable roleplaying game with plenty of freedom of choice.

One note about the changes to the world map: we’ve made a lot of progress, and the game is already playable again after we ripped the hexes out of the world map and replaced them with pathfinding algorithms, but we still have a lot of polish to add to that part of the game before we’re ready to show it off. We can’t promise that we’ll have something ready before our Kickstarter is finished, but at the very least we’ll be sure to post some screenshots of our work-in-progress at the beginning of next week.

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