EverQuest: Prophecies of Ro Q&A #1

MMORPG.com has published the first installment to a new Q&A feature for Sony Online’s EverQuest: Prophecies of Ro expansion pack. Lead designer Travis McGeathy kicks off the first few answers:

Q: What is the theme of this new expansion? What sort of landscapes and new creatures will players encounter?

A: The overarching story behind the expansion builds directly from the story we began with Depths of Darkhollow. Mayong Mistmoore has become a god, but that was just one step towards his true goal. He now threatens to bring the entire pantheon crumbling down and enslave all of Norrath in the process.

Players will be traveling to a variety of different lands in their attempt to thwart his plans. They will find themselves trekking across islands floating within the Plane of Magic, engaging in a never-ending war that wracks the Plane of Conflict, traveling back through time to the final days of the Elddar Forest, and eventually making their way to the Theater of Blood, Mayong Mistmoore’s new plane.

On their journey, players will encounter a wide variety of creatures including failed experiments at creating life by the goddess of magic, giants from the days before the curse struck them down, and a new breed of vampire created to serve and worship Mayong.

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