EverQuest II: The Splitpaw Saga Review

MMORPG.com has written up a review of EverQuest II: The Splitpaw Saga, giving the adventure pack an overall score of 8.0/10. Their conclusion:

The Splitpaw Saga is definitely the more popular of the two adventure packs released thus far. Although the in-game economy has suffered some problems since its release (one example: treasure chests of loot are extremely common, often including adept versions of skills, making Sages less sought after) all players who have reached level 20 or above can enjoy this adventure pack. It introduces numerous new zones, most notably content tailored specifically for solo players, groups and raids. Everyone gets something out of the Splitpaw Saga. For a set of content costing only $7.99, little more than half of a month’s subscription fee, which can last your character their entire career, it is definitely worth the price.

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