EverQuest II Q&A

GameSpot has conducted an interview with Chris Cao and Joe Russo, lead content designer and lead mechanics designer for Sony’s upcoming EverQuest sequel. Take a look:

Q: We’ve briefly touched on the sequel’s combat system. Could you discuss the basic mechanics of battle and how it will be more exciting than that of the original EverQuest? Can we expect to see the traditional roles of fighters playing as defensive “tanks,” sorcerers using magic to “control crowds,” and so on? Also, what role does the “heroic circle” play in battle?

A: Combat in EverQuest II is based on a balanced archetype system. The fighter, priest, mage, and scout all provide crucial but different elements to basic group-based-encounter combat. Fighters of all types will be able to take and do damage, following the group role classically established for their profession. Priests will fulfill their role through healing and beneficial defensive spells. Mages will contribute through the use of high-damage spells (either through direct means or through pets) and by restoring the party’s power. Scouts will finish out the basic group by providing many different special abilities (group sneak, movement buffs, etc.) and situational damage.

All members of the party will also be able to take advantage of heroic opportunities. Represented by a segmented wheel, these opportunities arise at different points in a battle. By casting the right spell or performing the right combat art, players will be able to complete the steps of the wheel. This will culminate in some group-wide beneficial effect (e.g. group heal, group buff, added damage).

The scout archetype really shines in the presence of heroic opportunities. As the masters of special tactics, they will be able to cause the opportunities to appear. They will also be able to shift between available opportunities so that the group gets precisely the benefit that the situation demands.

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