EverQuest II Preview, Part One

ESCMag has published the first installment of a multi-part EverQuest II preview, based upon their time in the game’s ongoing beta test. A snippet:

The archetype system is a substantial change for EQ vets. It’s a similar, but even broader concept that the archetype system of EQOA, the PS2 version of Everquest. It will take some getting used to for many people and it will require that many give up their preconceived notions developed through years in Norrath.

Nowhere is this more evident than in the Fighter and Priest archetypes. Many EQ vets are used to depending on a Warrior and Cleric as their tank and healer respectively. In EQ II that will no longer be the case. Brawlers and Crusaders can each play the tank role adequately and Druids and Shaman can both play the healer role as well as clerics. No necessary power is limited to only one class of the archetype.

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