EverQuest II: Kingdom of Sky Preview

MMORPG.com is offering up a short preview of EverQuest II: Kingdom of Sky, after receiving a demonstration of the expansion pack from Sony Online’s Ryan “Blackguard” Shwayder. A little something to get you started:

The Tenebrous Tangle is home to the Temple of Scale and the Sanctum of the Scaleborn and is considered holy ground by many of the Awakened. It’s floating islands exist within the Overrealm skies between the Bonemire and the Barren Sky. This is a very dangerous place. You will find few allies here, or anywhere in the Overrealm, pretty much everything wants to eat or crush you. There are some recently escaped Frogloks nearby who are among the few friendlies, to get to them and access to other areas requires a leap of faith, literally.

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