EverQuest II: Kingdom of Sky Interview #1

MMORPG.com has published the first installment to a new interview with Sony Online’s Scott Hartsman about the upcoming EverQuest II: Kingdom of Sky expansion pack. A bit of what was talked about:

Q: Was there anything that your team learned from the Desert of Flames (good and bad) and how will that effect what you will or will not add to Kingdom of Sky?

A: As it was our first major expansion as a team, we learned a lot from Desert of Flames in pretty much every area.

Just as Desert of Flames was a graphical step up from the original areas we launched with, the environments of Kingdom of Sky are the most breathtaking and engaging yet.

The reaction to the new environments and equipment visuals on the beta server has been phenomenal. I mean, seriously surprising. I was expecting people to enjoy the work that our artists did, absolutely, but I wasn’t expecting to hear raves the instant I logged in. Usually the only things that travel that quickly are the rants. 😉

Also, as many people who have been playing in our improved dungeons have seen, we’ve also redone the way that treasure is created in the world. People are finding that item rewards in EQ2 are a much more interesting and consistently themed part of their gameplay than ever before.

Further yet, the addition of Achievements in Kingdom of Sky fill a gap that was present in Desert of Flames. Whenever we release an expansion, most people want there to be something new that applies to them. Everyone wants to feel a part of the latest thing that’s going on. That can be rough if a person isn’t in the level range of the new zones that a given expansion provides.

Achievements, a new means of gaining abilities, are available to everyone who is level 20 and above, allowing us to include a lot more people in the Kingdom of Sky excitement. =)

They’ve also kicked up three screenshots to go along with the feature.

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