EverQuest II Interview, Part Two

The guys at GamerGod have continued their interview with EverQuest II community manager Ryan “Blackguard” Shwayder, with the second installment focusing on his personal opinions on various EQ-related topics. An excerpt:

Q: What do you think about a movie based upon the world of Everquest/Everquest2?

A: I would tell you what I thought about it if there were one! Oh, you mean my opinion on having one? I think it would be awesome, but I’m biased. Will there ever be one? Tough to say, because though Norrath is quite well-known throughout the massively multiplayer community, it may not be a large enough draw to mainstream audiences to justify making a feature-length film (even if every MMO gamer in the country saw the film, it still wouldn’t necessarily be that great a success in the box office).

If there ever is one, I’ll surely try to weasel my way into having a hand in its creation.

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